Who Needs a Copyeditor? Everyone.

Like they say, content is king. Your content strategy can literally make or break your business—not even because of what you have to say, but because of how you say it.

By now, everyone has heard of SEO. But in today’s bot-obsessed, content-bloated environment, it’s important to remember that the end user is still human. And as much as we all like to hope that nobody notices our little mistakes, when you put errors into print or up on the web, the people reading them may quickly lose confidence in your brand or message.

Are you too young, maybe a little too careless to dot the i’s and cross the t’s? Are you too old, struggling just to keep up with the technology and trends? Are you really an expert or just someone recycling words from elsewhere on the internet? Are you an impostor trying to poach domestic business from outside the country—or worse yet, a spam bot only pretending to be human?

Poor writing and mechanical errors can say a lot about who (or what) is behind them. Inversely, making sure that your writing is effective, coherent, and intelligent will instill confidence and set your readers’ minds at ease.

This doesn’t mean you have to be an expert in grammar—you’ve got plenty of other things to worry about. But you can greatly benefit from the help of someone who is an expert.

You may be writing a blog post or a white paper, building the bones of a new website or revamping your old one, penning your first novel, submitting a résumé for your dream job, or maybe posting a simple ad for an upcoming sale. Don’t let typos or grammatical errors eclipse your message.

If you’re putting it in writing, whether in print or on the web, you need a skilled copyeditor to fine-tune your work.


This pamphlet was part of a fundraising campaign for a medical research center. Their marketing firm was ready to print the pamphlet and they sent it to me for a “quick once-over.” I could tell the writer and designer had put the time into fine-tuning their message, but even the most experienced professionals can benefit from the meticulous eye of a copyeditor.

One of the tricks to copyediting is ensuring the original writer’s voice still comes through after the editing is done. This can be particularly challenging when the client is not a native speaker. When the founder of Peak & Paddle Croatia was starting up his tour company, I worked with him on refining the content for his website and itineraries. Because he would be operating the tours himself as the literal face of the company, I wanted to make sure his personality and charm were evident in all the client-facing copy. This meant fixing the overt errors and clarifying ideas that didn’t quite come across in a different language, but leaving some of the quirks—things a native speaker or businessman might not say—that would give the English-speaking reader a true feel for the Croatian adventure tour experience.

A résumé is the kind of piece that you want to be perfect—your very best foot forward. It’s hard enough to distill your most shining accomplishments down to one or two pages, and a little extra help polishing your résumé or portfolio can go a long way. Plus, for me, there’s nothing quite like picking up the phone to hear someone say, “I got the job!” Talk about ROI.

Are you ready to put the finishing touches on your copy, or still trying to find that certain something to make your message really sparkle? Contact me!