Writing Sample:

Valentine’s Day for Artists and Fans

When I was in New England, I did some content strategy and blog writing for a mobile marketing company that specialized in the entertainment sector. The following is a Valentine’s week post that I wrote about fan engagement, one of the company’s hot topics. Tying in holidays or current events is a great way to keep blog content fresh, relevant, and relatable.

Romancing Your Fans

In honor of this week’s rosy, cherub-clad holiday of love, we thought we’d put together a few thoughts on how to love the people who, though they may not be nearest, just might be dearest to you: your fans.

Take a minute to think of the fans in your life—what is it that makes them special?

If you’ve played a live show recently, you may have images coming to mind of a chocolate-box assortment of faces, looking up wide-eyed and eager as you start your set…sweaty palms and plastic cups lifting into the air as you come to the first big chorus…the front-row devotees who are already mouthing the words to your newest single…the screams and applause trying to coax you back onto the stage for an encore…

Or, if you’re active on social media, maybe your greatest fan interaction is through likes, forwards, and reposts. While you’re sound asleep, there are people on their smartphones, tablets, and laptops scouring pages of photos, news, videos, and audio files, just trying to get another glimpse of what you’re all about or another taste of what drew them to you in the first place.

Face it, your fans love you. They’re also the people who make it possible for you to do what you love to do. It has been said that no man is an island—and when it comes to music, we really do need those devoted fans to keep us going, financially and maybe emotionally too.

The thing about relationships, which may be more evident on literally any other day than Feb. 14, is that they involve give and take. Even the most devoted, loyal supporter can eventually burn out if they’re not feeling some kind of connection.

You can avoid this with a few simple ingredients: kindness, generosity, and gratitude. According to leading love doctors, kindness can be expressed by showing interest, sharing joy, and taking opportunities to connect. Sometimes this takes the form of little love notes, gifts, or even just taking the time to go on a special date.

What does this have to do with marketing your music? Everything! Your fans want connection; they want to feel appreciated; they want special experiences with you (and no, we don’t mean holding hands, but what’s more special than sharing a night of amazing music together?).

Keeping in touch with your fans is of utmost importance—relating to them on their level so they don’t feel like they’ve been suckered into a one-way conversation. A lot of times this just means letting them know what you’re up to (and not just when you want them to spend money). Heading back into the studio? Let them know! Touring in the middle of who-knows-where? Post a few pics so they can share the experience with you. And never forget to show your appreciation, whether through special incentives, contests, song giveaways, or—here’s a novel one—saying “thank you” (really, it’s that easy!). And don’t limit the thanks to your auto-pilot stage banter; throw it out unexpectedly sometimes. Your fans will love it.

Lastly, bring some good value to the table. Chocolates and roses are nice gestures, but, as they say, diamonds are a girl’s best friend. Value means following through whenever possible, keeping your promises, and setting realistic expectations. But it also means pouring your heart and soul into your art. Your fans will know what’s legit and what’s not—and you don’t want to leave them asking themselves what they’re getting out of the relationship (Janet may have said it best). This one is a total win-win: the more passionate you are about doing what you love, the more your fans will love you in return.

How’s that for a happy Valentine?

Be sure to check out our website to see how Adva Mobile can help you romance your fans with personalized mobile marketing, fan engagement stats, and more!

If you’re looking for help with your website, magazine, or email newsletter, shoot me a message and we can discuss the right strategy for your needs.